Hopefuly these posts will provide a bit of respite from the daily covid-19 focus. Provincetown is quietly greeting the first days of spring, as we social distance and find apprpriate diversions. Throughout this experience I will keep bringing you real estate news and interesting real estate related stories.
This is another pastel that we have by Bradley Dehner from 1983. It is a view from the Franklin Street – Race Road intersection up the hill toward Bradford Street in the West End. What a wonderful repesentation of the traditonal Cape style of houses so prevalent here. From left to right is 42, 44, 46 and 48 Franklin Street.

Here we are 37 years later. #42 on the far left is a three unit condo association, with the additional two units added in the rear of the main house. Unit B sold in 2015 for $485K, and is a one bedroom two bath condo with 626 square feet. The picture below is #B from the rear of the property Hard to believe this exists behind the traditional Cape house that you see from the street.

44 Franklin Street is in the midst of a full renovation and expansion. It sold in 2017 for $650K and was a one bedroom two bath single family house with 645 square feet.

46 and 48 Franklin Street remain single family homes. Interesing to see that 48 remains close to the same color as it was in the painting in 1981.
See all available properties for sale at Beachfront-Realty.com.