126 condos and 26 single family homes have sold so far this year. Final year end figures will be avilable in early January. Yes these numbers are less than last year, in fact preliminary figures show close to 20% less condos have sold and close to half the number of single family properties have sold.
But – the buyers who have bought have good reasons to buy,
And they have mosy likely been in the market for a new home for some time.
And they were well prepared to act quickly.
And they are really excited to have puchased their dream home, or investment property.
In addition to these YTD sales there are 16 condos under agreement which will most likely close by the end of the year These have an average asking price of $798K and an average ppsf of $1,062.
Three of these below.

There are 7 single family properties under agreement with an average asking price of $2.786M and an average ppsf of $1,433.
Three of these below.

These sales and under agreements represent a lot of activity and satisfied buyers especially considering our chronic low inventory levels.
Year end figures will tell the whole story and with them we’ll be able to better prepare for the spring market of 2023. I don’t think any of us see huge changes in the upcoming spring market, but probably more of the same – a market allmost totally driven by inventory levels.
Full year end analysis will be available in early January.
See all available properties ast Beachfront-Realty.com.